About US

What we do:

  • Citizen Lake Monitoring Program. CLPOA member volunteers gather data to track lake health. Five sites are sampled four times a year for contents of phosphorus and chlorophyll along with lake clarity measurements. Oxygen level readings are also taken yearly. See “Lake Sample Results” for more information
  • Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Program. The association in cooperation with the county AIS coordinator, supports efforts aimed at keeping invasive species out of Caribou lake. Member volunteers who have been DNR certified, assist with boat inspections at our public landing. Nettings are done to test for spiney water flea.
  • Dispensing of information .  The association invites outside speakers to our membership meetings in an effort to keep the membership informed of local happenings and updated on best practices to protect lake water quality. CLPOA is a Firewise community, offering members things they can do to reduce the risk of wildfire on their property.
  • Cooperative Connections. The Association liaisons with government agencies such as the Cook County Soil and Water Conservation District, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.