Spruce Budworm Information


Anna B. Stockstad (she/her) Extension Educator, Forest Ecosystem Health | UMN Extension | extension.umn.edu | umn.edu | stock523@umn.edu | 218-726-6466 (voice only)

Sarah Waddle (she/her/hers) Cook County Extension Educator/Community Center Director | University of Minnesota Extension | extension.umn.edu | 218-387-3015 | swaddle@umn.edu or sarah.waddle@co.cook.mn.us

Ilena Hansel District Manager | Cook SWCD | ilena.hansel@co.cook.mn.us | 218-387-3648 | 

Kyle Stover District Silviculturist, Tofte Ranger District | Superior National Forest –   | kyle.stover@usda.gov

Kelly Beaster – Coordinator | North Shore Forest Collaborative | https://northshoreforest.org/ | NSFCSTAFF@gmail.com

Newsletter Sign Up Links:

UMN Extension Forestry (My Minnesota Woods) – z.umn.edu/MMWnewsletter

Cook County Extension – https://www.smore.com/n/b9kp4-cook-county-extension-news#subscribe_user

Cook County Community Center (bottom of the page) https://www.co.cook.mn.us/government/departments/community_center/community_center_newsletter.php

Superior National Forest – https://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/superior/home/?cid=FSEPRD1115779

North SHore Forest Collaborative – (bottom of the page) https://northshoreforest.org/